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Now, in the tradition of classic drinking dramas from The Lost Weekend to Barfly comes Small Fish Small Pond.

For big-talking and alcohol-fueled writer Eagle Thorenton (Brian Dean, Taste of Desperation), success looms large as life’s only option. Then one morning, he washed up dead behind Pal’s bar after a drunken stupor, and his unpublished novel became a best seller. Now the clamor begins to meet this sometime likable and always drunken rogue. Joining a reporter (Donna Byrne, Subconscious Reality), and Eagle’s wife Carrie (Julia Morrissey, Forbidden Room) on our quest to enter his world, we crash the bars and dives of a small fishing village and along the way meet boozemate Dutch (Barry McEvoy, An Everlasting Piece), saucy waitress Selma (Peggy Kearns, Out There), and ever-patient bartender Charlie (Sam Goodrich, Mismatch).

For Eagle, living as a nobody was worth the chance to die a legend. While nowhere near as dark as films IronWeed, Days of Wine and Roses, and Leaving Las Vegas, Small Fish Small Pond explores many aspects of the same territory: romanticized idea of a drunk dead writer, character studies, human worthiness, bar angst, and unrequited love.

2nd Place Feature Drama at the Indie Gathering: 2nd Place Winner
FilmStew Review: Filmmaker Finally Shares Drunk Writer Drama Premiere -Cast screening . 2nd -Cast Screening

© 2013 Absurd Productions Pictures